Best Immunity Boosters from Kitchen

Immunity Boosters from Kitchen

We all have fought this Coivd-19 battle with great efforts dealing with our immunity. In this, we looked for various immunity boosters that could help our body to fight external pathogens. We have thus thought to list the best immunity boosters from your Kitchen which can help you improve your body immunity.

Best Immunity Boosters from Kitchen

Turmeric or Haldi

It has Curcumin which is the active ingredient that is responsible for its antiviral and anti­inflammatory properties. Freshly ground turmeric works much better than store­ bought powders. Also, it should be consumed within three weeks so as to maximise its benefit. Having turmeric with pepper helps in better absorption of peperine.

You can avoid having it if you feel bloated or experience cramps. Also, make sure you take no more than three grams (equivalent to half a teaspoon) a day if taking in a concoction. You can take turmeric with warm water as well.

Black pepper or Kali Mirch

The piperine in black pepper helps in the detoxification of the lungs. It improves the production of T­-cells that helps in fighting infections. Black pepper apart from being anti­-inflammatory also helps in the initial stages of phagocytosis (where cells engulf bacteria, which in turn helps strengthen immunity).

It improves the absorption of curcumin and beta carotene, so it can be combined with vitamin A-rich foods, such as in a carrot salad etc. You can avoid eating black pepper if you are facing gastrointestinal issues, mild acid increase or heartburns.

You can eat less than four grams of pepper kernels over a day.

Ginger or Adarak

I am pretty much sure that you do not like to miss tea any day. Also when it is winter how can you stop taking tea without ginger right? The physiological action of ginger is due to gingerol. Fresh ginger helps in maintaining the health of the digestive tract by stabilising gut bacteria. Dried ginger detoxifies the lung. For optimal effects, you can have ginger lime juice.

However, there are few things you can keep in mind before consuming ginger. You can avoid eating it if you experience gastrointestinal discomfort.

Eat no more than 10 ml (two teaspoons) of fresh ginger juice or four to five grams (one teaspoon) per day.

Fenugreek or Methi

Fenugreek is anti­-inflammatory, which also helps in lowering blood sugar and cholesterol. The active ingredients that help in doing so which is mainly flavonoids, which work as antioxidants and Alkaloids and coumarin, which have antiviral properties. There are many health benefits of Fenugreek.

When fenugreek is Sprouted it has a lot of antioxidants and when taken on an empty stomach, the absorption of sprouted fenugreek will be maximum. The same goes well with fermented foods like idli and dosa, as the fermentation process feeds the good bacteria in the gut. So use it in a curry to eat with these. 

You can avoid having fenugreek if you are feeling intestinal distress.

You can have less than five grams (one teaspoon) a day. Taking more may cause liver toxicity which could lead to a fatty liver or even cirrhosis.

Cumin and Coriander Seeds (Sauf & Daniya)

Cumin and Coriander seeds when taken together give the best results. Cumin contains cumin aldehyde and phytochemicals that aids in gut motility (bowel movement). Cumin is rich in minerals like selenium, calcium, magnesium and potassium, which helps build immunity. Cumin can also be had with salmon, and for vegetarians, with lentils and eggplant. Avoid having it when you have low blood pressure.

You can take upto 600 mg of cumin and one gm (a few seeds) of coriander per day.

Garlic or Lehsun

Garlic Allicin, disulphate and thiosulphate in garlic detoxify the lung from micro­organisms and oxidants and induce good digestion for healthy adults. It is best eaten with fish as the Omega­-3­ fatty acids in the latter increases the allicin component. Vegetarians can have garlic with flax seeds. If you develop a bad odour in the mouth, feel bloated or weak in any way (it could be a sign of low blood pressure), avoid eating it in this case.

Better eat no more than seven grams a day (a teaspoon and a half at most) or 300 mg of dry garlic powder.

FAQ Immunity Booster

Is cumin good or bad for acid reflux?

Cumin seeds serve as a great acid neutraliser, aid digestion and relieve stomach pain. Chewing on a handful of seeds could prove to be very effective at times.

How do I boost my immune system in Covid 19?

You can drink warm water throughout the day. Make sure you Practice Meditation, Yogasana, and Pranayama. You can increase the intake of Turmeric, Cumin, Coriander and garlic. Drink herbal tea or decoction of Holy basil, Cinnamon, Black pepper, Dry Ginger and Raisin. Try Avoiding sugar and replace it with jaggery if needed.

We have tried to list the best immunity boosters which you can easily find in your kitchen or local market or even online. Also, make sure if you have any serious ailment you better contact your doctor before checking these for better diagnosis and results.